About Us


LIME Foods is your gateway to the rich and vibrant tapestry of authentic Indian flavors, right here in the heart of the United States. At LIME Foods, we’ve captured the essence of India's culinary heritage and aim to deliver it to your doorstep.

Join us on this gastronomic journey, where you can "visit" India through every bite, and savor the passion and authenticity that define our offerings.

How We Started?

Our journey began with a simple yet profound idea:

To bridge the gap between continents and cultures by bringing the unparalleled taste and quality of Indian food items directly to you.

We take pride in sourcing the finest ingredients and products from every corner of India, carefully selected to evoke the nostalgia of traditional flavors and cherished memories.

How We Serve You?

Our online platform is designed with your convenience in mind. With just a few clicks, you can explore a curated selection of authentic Indian food items, each carrying the essence of the land they come from.

Whether it's the delectable spices from the South, the savory snacks from the West, the enticing flavors from the East or the delightful sweets of the North that celebrate India's festivals, our range embodies the diversity and spirit of this culinary treasure trove.

At LIME Foods, we're not just delivering food – we're delivering an experience that connects you to the heart and soul of India.

Our Core Values

At LIME Foods, our values are deeply rooted in three key factors,

• Authenticity
• Quality
• Connection

We believe in preserving the cultural heritage of India's culinary traditions while ensuring that every product we offer meets the highest standards of quality. Transparency, respect for diversity, and a commitment to customer satisfaction guide us in everything we do.

Our Guiding Mission

Our mission at LIME Foods is to bring the heart and soul of India's authentic food items to the homes of our valued customers in the US. We strive to be the premier online platform that not only offers a wide range of traditional Indian flavors but also fosters a sense of nostalgia, connection, and exploration.
Through seamless and reliable delivery, we aim to make the richness of Indian cuisine accessible to all, enhancing your dining experiences with the genuine tastes of India.

Quality Assurance

At LIME Foods, our commitment to excellence is unwavering. We understand that delivering an authentic culinary experience begins with sourcing the finest products. That's why we've partnered with renowned brands across India, carefully selected for their dedication to quality and tradition.

Our rigorous quality assurance process starts from the very source. We collaborate with top brands known for their unwavering commitment to upholding the integrity of Indian cuisine.

From the fertile fields of spices to the expert hands crafting traditional sweets, each product we offer is a testament to the highest standards of craftsmanship.

Our collaboration with these esteemed brands goes beyond transactions – it's a partnership built on shared values. We ensure that every item undergoes thorough quality checks before it reaches your doorstep. Our team meticulously inspects and verifies each product, ensuring that what you receive is nothing short of exceptional.

Our Vision for the Future

At LIME Foods, we envision a future where the boundaries of taste and culture are seamlessly transcended. We see a world where our platform becomes a global bridge, connecting individuals across continents through the shared experience of authentic flavors.

Through innovation, sustainability, and a deep appreciation for culinary heritage, we aspire to redefine the way people discover, savor, and celebrate food. Our vision is a blend of cultures interwoven by a common thread: The Joy of Exquisite, Genuine Tastes That Know No Borders!